diamond cuts

A Simple Guide to Understanding Diamond Cuts

There is so much to learn about when shopping for a diamond engagement ring, or any diamond jewelry - and understanding diamond cuts is one of the most crucial elements of your diamond shopping experience! Our guide will explain what exactly…
how to tell if pearls are real

How to Tell if Pearls are Real – 6 Pro Tips

Pearls are the dowager queens of the fine jewelry world. Their soft, breathtaking luster is as at home in a sunlit estate garden party as it is in the smoky shadows of your favorite speakeasy. Favored by fashionistas throughout history from…
diamond cuts

A Simple Guide to Understanding Diamond Cuts

There is so much to learn about when shopping for a diamond engagement ring, or any diamond jewelry - and understanding diamond cuts is one of the most crucial elements of your diamond shopping experience! Our guide will explain what exactly…
how to tell if pearls are real

How to Tell if Pearls are Real – 6 Pro Tips

Pearls are the dowager queens of the fine jewelry world. Their soft, breathtaking luster is as at home in a sunlit estate garden party as it is in the smoky shadows of your favorite speakeasy. Favored by fashionistas throughout history from…