11 Bridal Shower Party Games that Everyone Can Play
The phrase “bridal shower” conjures up a fun image of the soon-to-be Mrs., surrounded by balloons, gauze decorations, and her female friends and family as she carefully unwraps a pile of presents.
You know you’re officially an adult when you’re beyond excited to unwrap that slightly-too-expensive pasta bowl set that you hesitated to put on your registry because you didn’t think anyone would actually buy it!
Just because you’re an adult now doesn’t mean you have to stop having fun. Bridal showers can be a great way to loosen up (and warm up) those cold feet before you take the plunge. Why not incorporate a fun party game or two into your bridal shower?
Pick out some fun shower game prizes that can even double as party favors — things like decorative candles or photo albums!
Fun Bridal Shower Games
Maybe the idea of a party game sounds good, but you’re not sure what to play. It can be difficult to settle on a game that pleases everyone at the party. This is especially true if your party consists of ladies and girls of different ages.
What follows is a list of 10 party ideas that should be appropriate for your gathering, whether it’s Grandma or the flower girl who wants to get in on the fun.
1. Toilet Paper Design Contest

This one is a side-splitter for sure. For this party game, divide everyone who wants to play into two teams. Each team then chooses one girl or lady to be the “bride.” The rest of the team then has to design their bride with toilet paper.
You can cut it, color it, roll it, (clearly add balloon boobs to it too) whatever you can imagine, to create the prettiest dress at the party. The only rule is that you can’t use scissors or tape. The bride-to-be then gets to decide the winner to award a prize.
Yes, the above picture is of Love & Lavender’s own Meredith (far right), the eve before one of her friend’s wedding. Sorry, no professional photographers here, just a bunch of women in a hotel room the night before the big day. Lets just say we got very little sleep that night. 😉
2. Guess the Dress
This game is particularly fun if the bride has chosen to keep her dress a secret until the big day. Using printable outlines that can be purchased on Etsy, guests can draw what they imagine the bride’s gown will look like. The winner is the one whose drawing comes the closest to what the wedding dress actually looks like.
3. Bridal Jeopardy
Who doesn’t love participating in a fun round of Jeopardy? To create bridal jeopardy, simply build a custom Jeopardy board that contains categories specific to the bride and groom’s interests.
Just make sure the categories aren’t too obscure. Keep it to topics that most people will know the answers (‘cause not everyone watches Doctor Who or plays in an Overwatch league). The person who gets the most correct answers wins a prize!
4. The Ring Pop Game
Easy and fun game to play and who doesn’t love a ring pop?! Each guest is given a ring pop when they first arrive, if they are caught saying the brides name they have to give up their ring pop to the person who pointed it out.
5. The “Who Said It?” Game
This game grows funnier as the quotes become crazier! Pick the most outlandish, craziest things that you and your husband-to-be have ever said, and then have your guests guess which one of you said it. The person who guesses the most correct answers is the winner — and probably knows the both of you better than anyone else at the party!
6. The “Guess How Old” Game
by BrideandBows
This game is actually more sweet than silly. The bride creates a collage with photos of herself at different points throughout her life. While her guests ogle at her adorable baby and growing up pictures, they can also take a guess at how old they believe she was in each picture. Whoever guesses the most ages correctly wins a prize.

7. Switch Up the Guest Book
We love alternative wedding guest books that are more than just a book. While a normal guest book can be nice, once the day is over, they tend to get thrown into a box of collectibles up in the attic or at the back of the closet, only to be revisited maybe a handful of times in the future.
It is for this reason that brides are becoming more creative in how they choose to save the signatures and sentiments from their guests at their bridal showers.
One cute idea is to have everyone sign a plate that can then be displayed in the bride and groom’s new home. Other sweet ideas include having everyone sign a pillow, or the sides of a photo frame.
8. Cherished Paper Memories
by BrideandBows
Not every activity has to be silly. The bride can hand out pretty pieces of stationery and request that her guests write down their favorite memories of the bride. She can then put those memories in an album or scrapbook, or perhaps discover another creative way to keep them within view for those days when she maybe needs a little pick-me-up from her friends and family.
Browse through Minted’s collection of beautiful paper and see if there’s one that you fancy. We like this one below, which can be customized with a personal message and comes with real foil.
9. Bridal Shower Game Bundle
by Love & Lavender (yours truly!)
If you love some of the above mentioned games and wished that you could easily get them all together, you are in luck.
After putting this post together, we decided to have some fun and create our own bundle of bridal shower games. This set of 8 games is ideal for the do-it-yourself bride or bridesmaid searching for a set of bridal shower games! Print your own games at home or at your local print shop. Print an UNLIMITED amount of games and enjoy the fun!
10. The Underwear Decorating Contest

Another game they played was an underwear decorating contest, with the bride-to-be, Linda, judging. Also adds a pop of color to the backyard when you hang them to dry.
11. Create a “Date Night” Jar
This is idea is so much fun because it combines practicality with a party game. Once the newness wears off, and the newlyweds are no longer newlyweds (the horror!), they’ll probably experience many nights of asking, “what do you want to do tonight?”
Followed by a reply, “I don’t know. What do you want to do?”
You can curtail those back and forth roads to nowhere right from the beginning by having your guests help you create a date night jar.
Design the jar however you wish, then have your guests fill in little scraps of paper detailing their fun ideas for a date night. The ideas can be for a quiet night in, or a wild and crazy night out. Of course, funny ideas are also welcome. (Why not clean the house in your animal pajamas?)

Bridal Shower Game Prizes
Now that you’ve picked out the games you want to play, it’s time to pair them up with the prizes you’ll want to give out. After all, isn’t that why we all play competitive games in the first place — give me some swag braggin rights baby!!
This may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually simpler than you might think. And, it doesn’t have to be expensive.
Affordable Prize Ideas
One idea is to check the dollar bins at a local store like Target. This is especially helpful if you need prizes for kids, but you may also be able to load up on, say, 10 pairs of cute and/or comfy ladies’ socks, or inexpensive photo frames or albums.
Craft stores are another great idea because you can find a lot of inexpensive items that look like impressive gifts, like silver frames and candleholders. Of course, party supply and candy stores are always good sources if you’re looking for something that’s more along the lines of a traditional party favor.
Liquor stores may also be helpful, not just for their tiny bottles of wine and liqueurs, but also for their gourmet snacks and charming accessories, like wine stoppers and corks.
Other Ideas:
- Gift Cards
- Check out housewares sections of Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, and Homegoods. See what is on sale you might be able to find reasonably price items like candles, cutting boards and cheese spreaders, coasters, knick-knacks, etc
- Go to a dollor store and buy some nail polish, nail files, and make mini-mani bags
Whatever you end up choosing, we hope your bridal shower party games are a huge success! Let us know in the comments section what games you like the best.