12 Divorce Rings to Help You Find Closure and Celebrate New Beginnings
When you stood at the altar, looked into your beloved’s eyes, and said “I do”, you thought your marriage was going to last forever.
“Til death do you part”.
You knew about the risk factors associated with divorce but promised yourself that you and your partner would defy the odds. After all, weddings are supposed to be the stuff of fairy tales, and at that moment there was absolutely no reason to suspect you would not live happily ever after.
But sometimes princes turn back into frogs, fairy godmothers fall asleep on the job, and wedding and engagement rings that were once symbols of love and commitment, become reminders of a sad new reality.
Unfortunately, you can get so used to wearing your rings that you feel naked without them, but at the same time, wearing them after the divorce just feels wrong.
A great way to overcome this paradox is to get yourself a divorce ring, to mark the beginning of your new life.
What Is a Divorce Ring?
Simply put, a divorce ring is a ring designed to symbolize the ending of your marriage. It is a ring you wear to reclaim your individuality and celebrate your courage, strength and independence. It represents leaving your baggage behind and taking the first steps toward embracing your newfound freedom.
There are many types of rings designed for this purpose. Some are similar to traditional rings, while others are “broken” – incomplete circles symbolizing the broken relationship. Some rings have special quotes to motivate and inspire. Others have symbols that hold special meaning. You could also have your divorce ring custom designed.
No matter what ring you choose, it is meant to uplift your spirit and inspire you to feel positive about your future.
What Does It Symbolize?
A divorce ring is so much more than just a piece of jewelry. It is a way to symbolize the end of your marriage and the start of a new chapter in your life, where YOU take center stage. It symbolizes closure and announces to the world, and more importantly to yourself, that you are ready to face the rest of your life head-on.
On Which Hand or Finger Do You Wear a Divorce Ring?
There are absolutely no rules to follow when it comes to wearing your divorce ring. Do what makes you happy. Whatever works for you, works.
If you miss wearing your wedding band, you could wear your divorce ring on the fourth finger of your left hand, replacing your engagement and wedding rings. It is not called a ring finger for nothing, and it is perfectly okay to wear any ring on it. It will also serve to remind you that you are making a fresh start.
However, some people prefer to wear their divorce rings on their middle finger so that it can’t be mistaken for a wedding ring, and others prefer wearing it on the ring finger of their right hand. This helps to keep the left hand free, showing the world that they are single and ready to mingle.
Ultimately, it is your choice as long as you are physically and emotionally comfortable with it.
Our Favorite Divorce Rings
For some great divorce ring ideas, take a look at these beauties below. If you find yourself in need of a divorce ring, we sincerely hope you will find something here that you like.
1. Gothic Script Divorce Ring
by Etsy: IsabellaDayGoldsmith
Posy rings (derived from the word poetry) were popular from the late medieval period onward and were used to communicate secret messages of love – in this case, a message of self-love.
We love the minuscule Latin inscription on this posy ring that reads “Alis Volat Propriis” – “She flies with her own wings”. This magnificent ring has been cast from an original hand-carved design and is available in silver, rose gold, yellow gold, white gold, and oxidized silver.
2. Silver ‘This Too Shall Pass’ Divorce Ring
by Etsy: AutumnLines
This open band ring is comfortable to wear and fits virtually any size finger. We love the powerful message, this too shall pass, engraved on the outside, as well as the delightful dandelions blowing in the wind.
It’s made from sterling silver with black epoxy to highlight the engraving. You can also have a special word or name of up to ten characters engraved on the inside, free of charge.
3. I Am Enough Ring

We love the message conveyed by this charming sterling silver ring. Yes, you are enough, and don’t you forget it!
Several reviewers mentioned that the writing on the ring is incredibly tiny. “You have to hold it straight up to your eyeball”, one reviewer claimed. That could be an interesting conversation starter.
For me, that actually reinforces the message that the only person whose opinion of us matters is our own!
4. Divorced AF Ring
by Gage Huntley
This solid adjustable stainless steel ring is available in a silver or gold finish. We love the fact that it unapologetically proclaims DIVORCED AF. Another great conversation starter, and the perfect choice for the woman who is ready to move on!
5. Middle Finger Divorce Ring
by Etsy: InchooBijoux
This 14 carat rose gold middle finger ring could probably be worn on your middle finger if you choose, but that’s not quite how it earned its name. The tiny little hand on top of this ring literally allows you to give the world the middle finger!
We love that this brand aims to empower and inspire all people to love themselves, irrespective of color, sexual identity, culture, size or origin.
And we agree: there is so much beauty in diversity, so be yourself!
6. Beautifully Broken Divorce Ring
This dainty ring is indeed beautiful as its name suggests, even if the design symbolizes imperfection. Because nobody is perfect – we are all real people, flawed in so many ways. Nobody has it together all the time.
You never have to apologize for being broken. In the same way you should not apologize for being divorced. Wear your ring with pride and remember that it’s the cracks that let the light in.
7. Grow Through What You Go Through
by Lotus Fun

You know the ladies here at L&L love our rings with some nature-inspired embellishments, so is it any wonder that an open olive leaves ring made the list?
Crafted from sterling silver and natural aventurine, this elegant adjustable ring with its gorgeous green leaves is a stunner and sure to turn heads. And the message it represents, “Grow through what you go through”, is the perfect mantra for anyone who is finding divorce difficult.
8. Change in the Wind Ring
by Etsy: thesilversmith
This stunning sterling silver ring is half an inch wide, with vertical and horizontal indentations creating texture across its surface. This is intended as a reminder of how fickle life can be and how fast things can change. It’s a sentiment we can all identify with, making this a perfect divorce ring to remind the wearer that nothing is permanent.
9. Dainty ‘I Am Enough’ Ring
by Etsy: JewelryRB
We love everything about this handmade sterling silver ring. It is such a dainty little thing, yet there is nothing dainty or little about the inscription on the rectangular inset. It boldly proclaims “I am enough”! Because you ARE enough, no matter what others say.
It is the perfect ring for anyone recovering from loss, disappointment, or betrayal, and it would make a great divorce ring. So have some faith in yourself and believe that you truly are enough.
10. Sterling Silver Keep F**king Going Ring
by Etsy: TatumBradleyCo
This elegant solid sterling silver hammered wrap ring features the words “keep f**king going” engraved on the inside. It’s a bold phrase, perhaps best left hidden on the inside of the ring where only you know about it, but where you also know it won’t offend anyone. It’s a bit like your inner strength, which you don’t necessarily flaunt all the time.
The ring is adjustable and it’s available in a striking mirror finish or a delightful softer brushed finish.
11. Phoenix Ring
by Etsy: Emetti
We fell head over heels in love with this dazzling phoenix ring — a stunning design studded with champagne diamonds that is such a looker!
Like a phoenix that rises from the ashes, so should we rise up and recreate ourselves every time we fall apart. This should be the motto of all divorcees!
12. ‘I Am the Storm’ Ring
by Etsy: JewelryRB
This sterling silver motivational ring is actually two bands joined together with the words I am the storm, followed by a lightning bolt. Its simplicity is simply stunning and it’s bound to catch the eye, but its message is even more captivating.
When life and circumstances want you to believe that you cannot survive the storm, take strength from this ring, look adversity squarely in the eye, and proclaim: “I AM the storm!”
Ways to Repurpose a Wedding Ring
Are you of two minds about what to do with your old wedding or engagement rings? Some people stash theirs in a jewelry box or drawer, some bury theirs or throw it off a cliff or into the ocean. (A bit drastic, but it gets the message across I suppose.)
If you feel the need to do one of these things, we won’t stop you. But before you go to extremes, take a minute to consider all your options. Why not rather redesign or repurpose your old wedding or engagement ring instead?
One quick tip before we move on: though it may not be something you want to think about, you might want to consider seeking legal advice from a divorce lawyer to determine whether the rings are considered marital property, a conditional gift, or whether they have become your property as a marital asset. This could be complicated if the rings were a family heirloom.
Regardless, just make sure that they legally belong to you before deciding to redesign, repurpose, or sell.
Turn It Into a Divorce Ring
If you love the look of your engagement ring, there might be no need to change anything about it. You could simply wear it on your right hand where it will not have the same significance as it had before.
You could also consider changing the setting by having side gemstones or a gemstone halo added. By choosing colorful gems to compliment the original diamond, it will certainly look more like a dress ring, especially if you decide to wear it on your right hand.
Another possibility would be to keep the setting but replace the diamond with a different gemstone such as topaz, sapphire, or ruby. A little bit of color could transform your old ring into something brand new.
Turn It Into Another Piece of Jewelry
If you don’t like the idea of redesigning your ring to be used as a divorce ring, you could consider turning it into a different piece of jewelry, or several pieces of jewelry. The options are endless. Your ring’s center diamond or gemstone will look great in any bracelet, anklet, pendant, or whatever else you can think of.
And if your ring has a center diamond with at least two smaller diamonds, it could easily be turned into a necklace with matching earrings. You’ll sparkle even more than before!
Sell It
Another option to consider is selling your rings and buying a new piece of jewelry with the money. Naturally, you can buy whatever you want and it does not have to be jewelry, but you might derive some satisfaction from buying a piece you could wear every day, as a reminder of having let go of something that did not serve you anymore.
A word of caution: you might not be able to sell your rings for the same amount that you or your partner paid for them, but we have a few great tips to ensure that you don’t get short-changed.
Personally, we’d recommend that you skip the pawnshop and sell your wedding jewelry through an online retailer such as Worthy.
Our Ringing Endorsement
Divorce isn’t easy and as divorce rates continue to rise, more people find themselves facing the pain, stress, and emotional turmoil associated with this process.
Divorce rings are still a fairly new concept, but they seem to be gaining in popularity. And why not? If a beautiful piece of jewelry can help someone get closure or simply celebrate a new beginning as a more courageous, stronger, and independent person, we support it!