Feel Your Best at Your Wedding: Simple Pre-Wedding Wellness Hacks.
The months leading up to your wedding can be one of the most stressful periods in your life. The stress and busyness can take a toll on your physical, mental, and even emotional well-being. We have heard of brides and grooms getting ill or feeling like a wreck days before their wedding, and there’s nothing sadder than being less than your best on your big day.
To counter this, you should incorporate these pre-wedding wellness habits into your daily routine to boost your health and happiness at your wedding.

Get Enough Sleep
Sure, there may be a ton of things to do — wedding preparations as well as keeping up with your hectic work schedule — but sleep deficiency can cause your health to suffer. You may feel physical weakness, drowsiness, a lack of mental focus, memory lapses, weaker immunity, increased risk of depression, increased risk of cardiovascular issues, mood swings, and even raccoon eyes.
So, schedule your activities and stick to them. Learn to delegate and don’t try to do it all. You wouldn’t want to walk down the aisle feeling so out of it and looking like a zombie without the zzzzzzz’s.

Stay Hydrated
Don’t forget to stay hydrated as you run around. Being hyped up and doing errands can reduce your electrolytes, so you’ll you need to increase your water intake. Otherwise, you’ll start feeling sluggish and prone to various body aches.

Relax in Natural Settings
Take a break from time to time and escape into the calming embrace of nature. Go for a quiet walk along the beach, walk barefoot on your lawn, soak up some morning sun, or do some gardening. Immerse in nature’s sights, sounds, and scents to ground yourself and bring you back to your balance.
Regular spa treatments and massages using nature-derived oils and ingredients can also help you relax and rejuvenate holistically.

Eat Mindfully
Some brides and grooms resort to stress eating to ‘replenish’ their energy. This may cause issues in your body – from blood pressure and sugar spikes to infections and weight problems.
Make a conscious effort to eat healthy foods like leafy greens, lean meat, nuts, fruits, and other fiber-rich and antioxidant-rich foods to fight off oxidative stress, boost your immunity, promote organ health, skin health, brain health, and strengthen your joints and muscles.

Protect Your Skin
With all the things you need to do – from checking with the atelier for fittings to food and wine tastings, you cannot completely avoid being out in the sun. The fix is to slather on sunscreen, put on your oversized sunnies, and wear enough covering, like long-sleeved shirts and pants.

Meditate and Pray
Clear out your headspace of wedding worries by meditating, even if it is just for a few minutes each day. Give your spiritual wellness a boost by eliminating distractions and prioritizing mental clarity, relaxation, and a sense of awareness.
Do breathing exercises, stay connected to the greater power, and practice gratefulness.

Sneak in a Fitness Workout
A full-hour workout may be hard to squeeze into your schedule, but a quick 15-minute daily exercise routine can give your health a puboost. Bridal Fitness Trainer and Health Coach Stephanie Thomas recommends having a commitment to fitness, “Setting the same day and time to do your bridal workout will make it seem so much less of an obstacle.”

Speak with a Friend
Having a social connection can help you unload some of the weight of wedding preparations. So, go out with your best friend, engage in meaningful conversations, and take your focus off yourself for a few hours. Socializing help improve your oxytocin levels, making you feel better and happier.
Laugh Heartily
Speaking of happiness, laughter releases endorphins that help ease tension and pain in your body and reduce stress and anxiety.
Psychotherapist and Stress Management Coach Dr. Stan Hyman provides some tips to help you laugh more – smile often, listen to funny people, don’t take yourself too seriously, and try saying something funny about any subject you like.

Go on Date Nights
It may be a nerve-racking period for you as a couple, but nurturing your connection despite the busyness is essential for your wellness, wedding, and would-be life together. Share your thoughts, support each other, have fun, and keep your love alive through little date nights, movie nights, words of encouragement, and sweet nothings.
Final Thoughts
It is crucial for soon-to-be-married couples to take care of their mind, body, and spirit before the big day. Your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event and being healthy is one of the best gifts you could give each other as you begin your journey as husband and wife.
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