Wedding Story
Today’s engagement shoot will make you want to frolic through lavender fields! Of course, we may be a little bias being it is all about love & lavender today, but look through these photos and then tell me you aren’t completely drawn.
Timing is key for capturing amazing photos in lavender fields as they usually bloom during summer months. It is totally worth the wait because I think they make for a fantastic engagement setting. The contrast is absolutely stunning. From the long lush purple flowers to the emerald green dress flowing through the wheat, the color combination could not be more perfect!
Comments from the photographer: “After over an hour stuck in London rush hour traffic with no air con on the hottest day of the year, it was blissfully refreshing to find myself out of London in the Hitchin lavender fields. The cherry on the cake – this newly engaged couple had brought me an ice cold refreshing can of Pimms, which makes them the best clients ever!
“We began with the main reason Tatum and James had chosen this location – the lavender fields. Playing among the rows of strong scented purple flowers was a joy, even if the bees kicked up a bit of a fuss. After ticking the lavender box we went exploring and found a whole host of entertaining things to play with including: a barn, tractor, horses, a wheat field, flags, an oddly placed shed, a cat and some crayons. Tatum & James were fantastic and open to any crazy ideas I came up with.”
From the bride: “Every year a big group of our family and friends head to Sauze D’Oulx in Italy for our ski holiday.
“James has always been a much more adventurous and brave skier than I, he normally shoots off with my brothers and cousins for a more adrenaline fueled week of skiing leaving me, my sister, and my mummy sampling every restaurant’s hot chocolate. So when he asked if I wanted to go on a couple of runs, just me and him, I should have perhaps been a bit more suspicious. I objected and said no way was I going on another run just before lunch. With some unusual encouragement from my mother I found myself making my way to the ski lift.
“James had been unusually quiet since we arrived the couple of days before, but I put that down to being hungover! The ski lift trip in total is about 10 minutes and was the lift that took us over the abandoned off piste parts of the resort. As we came over one hill James told me to look down. I did so and saw that in the snow someone had written ‘Marry Me’ it wasn’t until we moved closer and the sun was out of my eyes that I saw that it did in fact say my name ‘Marry me Tatum’.
James had gone off in the morning with my older brother to track down the off piste, where the ski lift goes. Together they had written letters in the snow as big as they could. My immediate reaction was to turn to James and ask ‘Is this a joke?’ At that point James pulled the ring box from his coat pocket (EVER so carefully), flashed me the ring, and put it straight away back zipped up. I then of course said “yes” and had to think about how I was going to make it off the ski lift without falling over I was so excited.
“We hopped off the lift and James explained that I wasn’t allowed to put the ring on until we made it back to the restaurant. I have never skied to that restaurant as fast in my entire life. As I approached the restaurant I realized my mother had told everyone what was going to happen and James had organized champagne and cake for everyone out on the terrace.
“We spent the rest of the ski holiday week being totally overexcited and silly with all our family. It was then I realized how perfectly James knew me: we had our very special private time on the lift and at the top of the mountain together, realizing fully what had just happened. He knew me well enough to know that I would also want to be with my family to share our joy straight away after.”
Lavender fields are so beautiful and magical, I can only imagine how wonderful it smelled, too! Their engagement story is wonderful as well!