If you haven’t seen the 3D animated movie “Up” then I highly suggest you add it to your holiday movie list! It is a sweet story of a man who wants to fulfill both his and his late wife’s lifelong dream.
I especially love a good engagement shoot that has meaning to a couple. For this couple the movie Up encapsulates a special moment in their relationship. Linda and Marcus’ have a scrapbook that they call their Adventure Book, which they both put together chronicling their relationship. The first Christmas with each other was spent apart, but one night during the holidays they decided to watch Up while Skyping many miles away from each other.
Keep scrolling below to view a balloon engagement shoot that incorporates many colorful balloons as an ode to a special moment shared between a couple and the movie Up.
The Proposal
For the proposal Marcus had a friend help him set up a special spot in one of the Muttart Conservatory’s Feature Pyramid: a bench laid out with their adventure book and ‘married life’ (the theme song from Up) playing in the background. When they reached the bench, Marcus’ friend started snapping photos for their adventure book as Marcus got down on one knee and recited words he’d memorized for this very moment.