It’s May 5th and I can’t think of a better reason to pull out the good tequila bottle (sans worm, as I learned yesterday that’s the cheapo stuff), limes, sugar, ice and blender. Sit back and read this cute story that involves margaritas, Cinco de Mayo and shampoo that smells yummy. Okay, you may have to put a hold on drinking until after work, but have a little gander at this sweet engagement shoot to get you in the mood.
Happy Cinqo de Mayo everyone!
From The Couple: “Cinco De Mayo has a different meaning for us – it is actually the day we met. Dean was celebrating a friends birthday, and Kellie was out for drinks with her girls when paths crossed in downtown Campbell. We were both at a crowded local bar. Kellie had a seat at the bar and Dean was standing right behind her as he was ordering drinks. Things started to get a little steamy. Kellie was wondering why the guy behind her was breathing down her neck so she asked, “Does my hair smell good?” No comment from Dean. Minutes later, Dean takes a deep breath in near Kellie’s hair and responds with a smile “smells great.” Conversation took off, and a dinner date was set for the following evening.”