2 Carat Diamond Ring: How Much Will You Pay and Why
Every diamond has a little magic in it—but 2-carat diamonds are something of an underrated superstar. Not too big, nor too small, they offer a perfect balance of practicality and beauty.
Think of them as the Goldilocks of engagement and wedding rings—and we’re here to help you find one that’s just right.
Of course, you’ll always want all the fire and brilliance that a perfect gem offers, but, as with any diamond, you’ll end up paying for the extra weight along with the scintillation.
So, how do you find the perfect 2-carat ring for you or your sweetheart without going broke?
We’re so glad you asked! We’ll talk all about that and also give you some pointers on using the 4C’s to vet your rock. If you don’t know what on earth we’re talking about, stick around and I’ll explain everything you need to know to find the perfect 2-carat diamond at a great price!

What Is a 2 Carat Diamond Ring?
Simply put, a 2-carat diamond ring features a diamond weighing two full carats, or 400 mg. The carat system is an international standard, based on the physical weight of a diamond, and is one of the key pieces of the 4C puzzle.
A full carat weighs 200 mg. 400 mg doesn’t sound like much, but it gives a visually attractive diamond that doesn’t overpower the rest of the setting—one of the reasons that this is such a popular diamond type.
However, it’s important to note that while they may be the same weight, 2-carat diamonds don’t always look the same size. The same 2-carat gem may look larger or smaller depending on its setting, cut, color, and more.
There’s also the “point” system to consider. Points break the 200 mg of a full carat into a further 100 increments (or 2 mg a point). If the grading on your ring shows as something like 2.05-carats, this means its true weight is 2 carats and 5 points. A “true” 2-carat ring can thus, also be shown as 2.0-carats on its certification.
How Much Does a 2 Carat Diamond Ring Cost?
Before we go into everything there is to know about the factors affecting cost, let’s get some figures on the table.
Remember, these are only estimates, as there are a lot of factors that could affect the right choice for you. Don’t be overwhelmed by the grading talk here just yet—we’ll explain it all later!
The average price for a top-end 2-carat round diamond—we’re talking D-grade color and IF clarity on a natural diamond—is in the $35,000 range.
What would be a good value for a 2 Carat diamond ring? The 2 Carat diamond ring that we describe below is a great example of a good value; with a clarity of VS1 and color of G, it will cost somewhere between $9,000–$18,000, averaging $13,000.
At the lowest end of the scale, you could pay as little as $5,000 for a 2-carat diamond ring. But remember, you get what you pay for! This won’t be a particularly impressive gem.
And remember—round brilliant cut is always the most expensive diamond shape. Choosing a different shape, a lab grown diamond, and other aspects (all of which we’ll cover for you) can lower the price a lot!
As you can see, many factors determine the cost of a 2-carat diamond ring.
Let’s examine some of these factors in more detail, but first, here’s a quick overview of the 4Cs, which are so important when pricing your diamond.
We’ve explained how carats impact a diamond’s value, but we’d like to add a pro tip for saving some dough here.
It’s tough to tell the difference between a 2-carat diamond and a diamond that falls short by a tiny fraction (remember that point system we mentioned?). Even though the weight difference between a 2-carat gem and a 1.9-carat gem is negligible, the price difference can be significant.
To demonstrate the savings potential between a 1.9-carat gem and a 2-carat gem with the same cut, clarity, and color, this Ideal cut, 2-carat diamond, priced at $45,850, has IF for clarity and F for color.
For a 1.9-carat-diamond with the same cut, clarity, and color, the price is significantly lower at $45,131. Side by side, these two stones would be as brilliant and clear as each other, and the size would be imperceptible.
A diamond’s cut impacts its value significantly, perhaps even more so than carat size. Why? Because a diamond’s cut quality directly affects how it flashes on your finger!
While it may be more prominent, a poorly cut 4-carat stone is far less beautiful than a skillfully cut 2-carat stone. Which would you rather have?
According to the GIA, a quality cut diamond should be symmetrical, balanced in weight, and durable. These components translate to a diamond with exceptional fire, brightness, and scintillation (more on these in a minute).
With no availability of a 2-carat diamond of this astounding quality, we’ve chosen a smaller but brilliant diamond. In this example, a 1.31-carat diamond would fetch a price of $50,805.
However, an ideal cut 2-carat diamond of IF clarity and D color rating would cost from $44,658.
The shape of a diamond, also referred to as its cut, may impact the cost based on current trends. For 2-carat diamonds of very good cut grade with a K or J for color and SI2 or SI1 for clarity, the diamond pricing may vary by shape.
Round | $10,165 |
Princess | $9,457 |
Emerald | $7,183 |
Asscher | $12,697 |
Cushion | $8,010 |
Marquise | $10,497 |
Radiant | $6,922 |
Oval | $7,043 |
Pear | $8,267 |
Heart | $9,616 |
The clarity of a diamond refers to how many flaws, or “inclusions,” it contains. The more flawless the diamond clarity, the more you’ll pay for it. However, these minuscule flaws are something that are only seen under 10x magnification by experts, not something visible to the eye!
So, there’s a spectrum of glorious-looking 2-carat diamonds to consider, with various clarity grade levels that should be clearly marked on your diamond’s certification. We’ll break these down in more detail below so you always know what you’re purchasing.
This 2-carat round diamond has an ideal cut, a color rating of D, and FL for its clarity; it carries a price tag of $71,445.
A 2-carat round diamond with the same cut and a marginally less clarity of IF would cost around $50,561. The minimal difference in its fire could save you over $20,000.
IF | VVS1 | VVS2 | VS1 | VS2 | SI1 | SI2 | |
D | $44,658 | $44,401 | $42,899 | $30,722 | $25,653 | $22,386 | $16,899 |
E | $51,100 | $35,222 | $34,846 | $29,191 | $24,300 | $20,009 | $17,766 |
F | $46,133 | $35,321 | $28,831 | $26,950 | $23,245 | $20,103 | $16,533 |
G | $15,735 | $20,777 | $22,897 | $24,057 | $26,545 | $27,211 | $37,248 |
H | $15,292 | $16,980 | $20,360 | $21,541 | $23,439 | $24,749 | $28,504 |
I | $14,311 | $16,395 | $17,899 | $17,971 | $19,617 | $21,441 | $25,622 |
J | $11,129 | $12,850 | $14,349 | $16,363 | $16,615 | $12,850 | $11,129 |
K | $13,783 | $13,407 | $12,649 | $12,138 | $11,886 | $10,621 | $10,054 |
Note: All pricing examples are current as of 11/17/2022 and apply to in-stock diamonds.
Colorless diamonds, or “white” diamonds, are the type of diamond we always imagine.
The “color” part of the 4Cs specifically grades this coveted style of diamond, from a pure and sparkling, water-like clear through to a very slight “mistiness,” and into yellowish tones. The clearer the diamond, the higher the cost.
Don’t get this confused with actual colored diamonds! Pink, red, yellow, and even black diamonds, specifically marketed as such, are called “fancy” diamonds.
While they don’t have as tight a grading system as the traditional clear diamond, they instead work on a fancy-vivid to fancy-faint scale, where consistent solid color is prized and murky or varying color will be cheaper.
They really range in price, with a 2.07-carat yellow diamond like the one above at $7,559 and a 2.03-carat purple-pink radiant cut diamond below priced at $683,856.
Note: While searching for the perfect diamond, you’ll run across plenty of anagrams for organizations claiming to be “experts” on gem analysis and certification (IGI, EGL, GSI, to name a few). As you may have guessed, some aren’t as respected as others.
Always look for a certification from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or AGS (American Gem Society). These organizations are the most trusted globally; therefore, their stamp of approval goes a long way toward ensuring the value of your gem.
How Big Is a 2 Carat Diamond Engagement Ring?
While there’s a correlation between a diamond’s size and carat number, it’s prudent to remember that a carat is a unit of weight. Depending upon the cut and shape, a 2-carat diamond can look larger or smaller on your finger.
For instance, a 2-carat princess cut diamond’s surface area measures roughly 7.50 millimeters, while an oval cut of the same weight is somewhere in the 9.0 x 7.0 millimeters ballpark.
However, that all seems pretty meaningless without some context, right? The average woman’s finger is about 17.5 millimeters across, so a 2-carat diamond will occupy roughly 40–50% of the finger. But remember, this will vary based on the shape! Still, keep those numbers in mind when looking for engagement rings.
Clarity Ratings for 2 Carat Diamond Rings
We touched briefly on clarity above. Now let’s get serious about this important part of pricing a 2-carat diamond. The GIA’s clarity-measurement system features six grades
- Flawless (FL)—no inclusions or blemishes
- Internally flawless (IF)—zero visible inclusions
- Very, very slightly included (VVS1 and VVS2)—some inclusions that are difficult for an experienced jeweler to observe with high-powered magnification
- Very slightly included (VS1 and VS2)—inclusions may be seen under magnification by a skilled appraiser
- Slightly included (SI1 and SI2)—somewhat noticeable inclusions
- Included (I1, I2, and I3)—noticeable inclusions
The standard magnification under which a jeweler examines a diamond is 10x.
Measuring clarity variance with the naked eye between consecutive grades is very difficult, even for an experienced jeweler. That’s good news for those looking to save a little money on a diamond without compromising on the sparkle!

How to Get the Best Value 2 Carat Diamond Ring
We won’t sugar coat it—you won’t find a perfect, flawless diamond for the price of a less perfect one. However, when shopping for the perfect 2-carat diamond ring, you don’t always have to opt for the very, very best to get something you can enjoy forever—in fact, you may not even like the visual effect of the technical “best!”
Weight impacts clarity, so we recommend a rating of VS2 for a diamond 2-carats and less. A higher quality cut will help your diamond shine and a color rating of G or H will be your best value.
A 2-carat round ideal cut diamond with a VS2 clarity and H for color is your best value and will cost around $21,000.
Here are some tips for finding the ring you want within your budget.
Look Online
While some feel more comfortable shopping for their 2-carat diamond ring in person, shopping online is a great way to save. Due to the associated overheads, free-standing jewelry retailers often charge more for the exact same ring you can find online.
Online jewelry retailers also offer the same guarantees and customer satisfaction policies as free-standing jewelry stores, often with a broader range of inventory. However, always use a reputable dealer!
Go Lab-Created
We’ve already mentioned the benefits of buying a lab-grown diamond, but it’s worth reiterating: Lab diamonds deliver the same bling, brilliance, and fire as a natural stone, at a fraction of the cost. Remember that 50% saving!
For example, this lab-grown 2-carat ideal cut round diamond with an E for color and SI1 for clarity is $3,805 while the natural version of the same center stone is $20,009. That’s over six times the price of the lab-grown version!
Consider Color and Clarity
Minute variations in color and clarity are usually challenging to see, even for the most seasoned pro with the best equipment! Take the time to evaluate diamonds a little lower on the scale—that undetectable difference might make a larger-carat diamond more affordable without sacrificing quality.
And pairing them with the right metal can make a big difference to the visual effect.
Tweak Your Size
You may be surprised to know that there’s a significant price difference when you go with a tiny fraction below the 2-carat mark. Even something as small as a 0.1 difference can mean considerable savings, and no one will be able to see the difference in the diamond size—not even you!
Cut Matters
As mentioned before, a diamond’s cut strongly influences its price tag, with round diamonds being the priciest.
The Specs of a Great Value 2 Carat Diamond Ring
Where’s the magic sweet spot on quality vs price in diamonds? While everyone’s tastes and wants will vary, try a ring with
- A clarity around VS1 (or VS2)
- A color rating in the G to I range (unless you have strong personal tastes otherwise)
These specifications give a beautiful ring that looks “perfect” to the naked eye, but at a solid price point that will feel good. Pair it with a band, shape, and setting style you love, and you will have a ring you can treasure.
Of course, if your taste leans otherwise, you now know how to shop for a 2-carat diamond in your 4C parameters like a superstar!
Where to Buy a 2 Carat Diamond Ring
There are plenty of good options for purchasing the 2-carat engagement and wedding ring of your dreams! Remember, always buy from reputable, trusted sources who offer transparency in certification. We compiled our favorite places to buy a diamond ring in this article.
2 Have and 2 Hold
Go forth confidently and pop the question! The glitter of a 2-carat diamond is irresistible when paired with an excellent cut and setting that perfectly fits you or your fiance’s personal style.
Curious about how other carats measure up? Check out our guides for choosing diamond rings of all sizes:
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