9 Wedding Globe Guest Books: Put a New Spin on an Old Idea
If you read our post about wedding guest book alternatives, you know we’re all about thinking outside the box (or binding?). So when we heard about wedding globe guest books, we had to check them out.
Our findings? They’re a creative spin on the traditional guest book for a destination wedding theme. They’re also a clever idea if your loved ones are scattered around the globe and you’d like to show your appreciation for their presence in a unique way.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Just in case you’re new to the whole wedding accessory game and need some clarification, let’s go ahead and talk about wedding guest book basics:
A wedding guest book is essentially an autograph book for your guests. They’re often decorated and personalized to match your wedding colors, theme, and decor.

Traditionally, they’re placed on a table at the entrance to the ceremony with a sign inviting the guests to leave a signature and perhaps a short note.
They’re meant to be kept as a keepsake to be handed down through the generations. I can personally attest to the fact that you’ll derive genuine joy from reading the book long after the party’s over and it’s time to revisit those blessed memories.
(Pro tip: Keep some tissues handy; you might end up with something in your eye that makes it look like you’re crying. But of course, we all know you’re not.) Moving on.
Even though keeping a wedding guest book is a traditional thing, there are no hard and fast rules for where the book should go when your guests should sign it, and even whether or not it needs to technically be a book.
Now that you have the deets, we cordially invite you to kick back, relax, and join the shopping sirens at L&L for a fun look at globe guest books that are totally out of this world. (Get it? World? Globe? Sorry…)
In this article:
- 12″ Globe Guest Book
- Metallic Topographical
- XL Wedding Globe Guest Book
- Ballot Box Guest Book Globe
- 8″ Globe Wedding Guest Book
- Calligraphy Globe
- Shadowbox Globe
- Blank Chalkboard Globe
- Dusty Pink Chalkboard Globe
9 Worldly Wedding Globe Guest Books!
Below, you’ll see some fantastic wedding globe guest book designs you can’t but fall in love with!
Calling All Globetrotters
To my grandmother’s dismay, it seems like no one lives within a reasonable driving distance of each other anymore. Also, to her dismay, connecting usually means a video chat or Instagram messaging sesh.
But we say, when life hands you lemons, travel with them! Loved ones on distant shores give us a great excuse to visit faraway places. Did I also mention that having guests from all over the world offers an excellent opportunity to get creative about your wedding decor? Yeah, I probably did.
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